Human Tissue Biology A464
    Female Reproductive System, Ovary and Menopause

    Clincial note: Menopause results when the supply of ovarian follicles is exhausted at about age 50. With loss of the steroid hormones secreted by the follicles, cyclic growth and loss of the uterine endometrium stops and a variety of somatic and emotional problems can occur.

    Identify atretic follicles which stopped developing at various stages.

    Identify a corpus albicans. This ovary specimen from an older individual contains few follicles, but several corpora albicans.

    What does the corpus albicans represent and why do these structures persist much longer in mothers?

    What two hormones do the two endocrine cell types in the corpus luteum synthesize?

    Where did the corpus albicans come from?

    Now for the oviducts.