Human Tissue Biology A464
    Female Reproductive System, Breast

    Mammary Gland -- considered functionally to be part of the female reproductive system.

    Examine the diagram of the mammary gland, noting the lactiferous ducts and sinuses which converge at the nipple.

    Examine a section of an active mammary gland from a pregnant, woman.

    • At low power, identify the fibrous support tissue, larger branches of lactiferous ducts, plasma cells, and adipose tissue and lobules of secretory acini.
    • At higher power, examine the epithelium of the secretory acini (or alveoli) of cells with round nuclei and the surrounding myoepithelial cells with more oval-shaped nuclei (lacking nucleoli), but inside the basement membrane.

    What type of epithelium lines the lactiferous ducts?

    How does the breast tissue on this slide differ from mammary tissue before puberty?


    More about the breast.