Human Tissue Biology A464

    Movement of body parts depends primarily on muscular tissue. The importance of this tissue is emphasized by the fact that almost half the body's mass consists of muscle.

    There are three types of muscle fibers:

    1. Skeletal muscle primarily involved in movement of bones (voluntary),
    2. Cardiac muscle enables the heart to beat so that blood can be circulated (involuntary) and
    3. Visceral or smooth muscle provides tone and movement of hollow tubes and organs such as the intestine and uterus (involuntary).

    Learning Objectives:

    • Understand the formation of skeletal muscle.
    • Understand the arrangement and relationship between muscle fibers and connective tissue in skeletal muscle.
    • Identify the different unique structural features of skeletal, visceral and cardiac muscle at the LM and EM levels and be able to distinguish these three muscle types.
    • Recognize the arrangement of myofilaments in skeletal muscle and the functional significance of this arrangement for contraction.

    Let's begin with skeletal or striate muscle.