Examine a section of spinal cord. Identify the central gray matter, containing motor
neurons, “interneurons”, the central canal lined by ependymal
cells, and the outer white matter, consisting largely of
myelinated fiber tracts. Locate the following:crd1.jpg)
- Spinal Cord
- White Matter
- Neuropil
- Gray Matter
- Neuron Cell Bodies
- Nissl Substance (Rough ER)
- Glial cell nuclei
- Dorsal Horns
- Ventral Horns
- Central Canal
- Ependymal Cell
What are the major types of
glial cells in the spinal cord and where are they located?
How are the appearances of white and gray matter different in the
myelin-stained and the H&E stained slides?
Indicate three functions of the cells present in the ependyma.
Clinical note: The CNS is
subject to various diseases in which there is destruction of the
myelin sheaths, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). The functions and
body regions affected by MS depend on where in the CNS the focal
areas of demyelination occur. Weakness and paralysis of one or more
limbs are common sequelae of this disease.
Cerebrum and Cerebellum. |