Human Tissue Biology A464
    Interpretation of Microscopic Structures

    Never jump right in with high power. You will show yourself to be a complete and total jerk.

    An initial scan of the entire slide is necessary for you to obtain the big picture without missing anything important.

    • It is important to observe not only cells but also any other tissue components that may be present.
    • Also, it is useful for many reasons to develop early in the course an integrated strategy that combines recognizing structures with knowledge of their function.

    It's like an aerial view. Cruise and see the whole landscape before trying a landing.

    • Start by holding the slide to the light and looking at it just as is.
    • See what you can identify before putting it on the microscope stage.
    • Once on the stage, start with the 4X objective and cruise the whole slide.
    • Then proceed to progressively higher objectives to look for specifics.
    • Forget the oil emersion lens, there's almost no use for it at this stage.

    How many dimensions do you see?

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