and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
Virtual Slide: This 78 year-old man complains
of lethargy and back pain.
This 78
year-old man complains of lethargy, and is known to have a five-year history
of prostate cancer. He also gives a history of recent onset back and leg
pains. At the time of diagnosis of his prostate malignancy, his PSA was not
elevated, although several regional lymph nodes were positive for metastatic
WBC 6.1 X 103 |
RBC 2.76 |
Alk Phos = 430 U/L |
Percent |
HGB 10 |
Calcium = 11.5 mg/dL |
NE 41 |
HCT 29.8 |
PSA = None detected |
LY 36 |
MCV 101 |
MO 12 |
MCH 36 |
EO 4 |
MCHC 33 |
BA 2 |
RDW 17 |
NRBC 5 |
PLT 68 X 103 |
Reference values? |
Immature cells seen |
MPV 8.2 |
Click the little red + in the smear above to see the slide using the virtual
microscope. Describe what you see and then answer the following questions.
- What can explain the peripheral blood
- What is the association with the history
of prostate cancer?
- What is the with a non-detectable level
of PSA?
- What can be judged from the bone scan to
the right?
- Is he experiencing a primary malignant
transformation of his bone marrow?
- Where are the NRBCs and immature cells
coming from in the peripheral smear? (Here's a hint.)
The next patient is
a 20 year-old student with a sore throat. |

Bone scan and representative example of spine. |
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