General and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602

Pathology C601/C602 Evaluation Form

Please use the following form to report problems or concerns you have about the pathology course, the reading materials, other assignments or this web site. Your suggestions and constructive criticisms ar greatly appreciated.   I am especially intersted in your thoughts on this web site and the accompanying CD.  If you should encounter spelling errors or problems with the links, let me know and I'll get them fixed right away. Use the "tab" key to move from field to field, or click the cursor in the appropriate box.

Obviously I'd be glad to see you in my office at just about any time, so if this electronic stuff is not your cup of tea, blow it off and come by and see me. I'd much rather have the company than an e-mail message.

You must supply your name and e-mail address.

Your name:
Your e-mail address:

First, if you are reporting a problem with the web site or use of the CD there are a few preliminary boxes to fill in. A little technical information is often a big help at this stage.  If on the other hand, you have spotted a wording mistake, a problem with a link, or simply have something to say about the course, skip right down to the Problem Description or Additional Comments box.  Please note that you will need to fill in your name and e-mail address or the form will not be sent to me.  Sorry, but if you leave these  fields blank, you'll get another one of those tiresome error message.

When (date and time) did you encounter the problem?

Where were you when the problem occurred (e.g., home,  UCS or Medical Sciences Computer cluster)?

What type of computer were you working on? Be as specific as possible. Were you uisng a modem?

Problem description. Please be as specific as possible. Let me know any error messages the compouter might have given you.

 Additional comments: