and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
Slide 2: Artery with Monckeberg's medial
calcific sclerosis
OK, the changes aren't
real striking in this slide, but see if you can find the calcium anyway.
If there were extensive changes such as this throughout a person's medium
sized arteries, what change would you expect that to have on the feeling
of one's pulse?
See this slide with the
virtual microscope. |
This slide actually has
Monckeberg's and atherosclerosis together. In the case of Monckeberg's
sclerosis, the calcium deposits occur in the media and are not associated
with cholesterol deposits. It is a condition of the elderly and only infrequently
leads to clinical problems. It is not associated with high serum cholesterol,
but is sometimes seen as an incidental finding along with other vascular
conditions, such as atherosclerosis. This brings up the question of what
is meant by the term "hardening of the arteries?" |
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