Symptoms & History
Physical Findings
Stop & Think
Lab and X-Ray
Differential Diagnosis
The Disease
Quiz & Evaluation
Mr. Harvey had a rather complicated problem. Obviously, his clinical course
sure didn't work out too well.
History and physical is where it all starts.
His diabetes resulted from high cortisol levels.
The increasing cortisol led to changes in his insulin requirement.
His adrenals were hyperactive because they were caught up in a
paraneoplastic syndrome secondary to ACTH secretion by a small
cell carcinoma.
Small cell carcinomas arise from neuroendocrine cells, unlike the common
variety of lung cancer, squamous cell carcinoma.
The overall picture undoubtedly contributed to an increased susceptibility
to infections.
Focal bronchial obstruction by his tumor created the right local circumstances
for the pneumonia to start.
Unfortunately, the bug happened to be a methycillin resistant Staphylococcus
He died.
Did we do a lousy job