General and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
          Slide 79: Kidney with chronic pyelonephritis
    Even with  no magnification you can see the scattered blue staining that represents the large number of lymphocytes in the interstitial tissue.  It is possible that you may be able to see little bright pink globs that represent the dilated, protein containing tubules.

    See this slide with the virtual microscope.

    Note here the changes we call "thyroidization." You will see many chronic inflammatory cells in the interstitial tissue and dilated tubules containing pink staining proteinaceous goo, giving the appearance of thyroid colloid. You should note the scarring in the interstitial tissue in general and to some degree around the glomeruli. This is often associated with chronic ischemic injury of the kidney, which worsens as the process proceeds. Think diabetes and hypertension. 

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