General and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
    Slide 97: Adrenal Tuberculosis
    Your slide is a little faded, but there should be no trouble appreciating the destruction of the adrenal by tuberculosis.  In the picture to the left you can easily see the generalized caseous necrosis.  I suggest you start on the cortex and work your way into the specimen.  At least for a bit you'll know where you are on the slide.

    See this slide with the virtual microscope.

    Observe the granuloma with caseous necrosis at its center. There are a few giant cells, but the principal remaining inflammatory pattern is of non-specific chronic inflammation. You will see lymphocytes and plasma cells comprising the majority of the inflammatory pattern. At one time, this was a very common cause of adrenal failure and subsequent Addison's disease. Today adrenal insufficiency secondary to destruction of the gland is more often the result of metastatic cancer. Even so, destruction of the gland is not the most common cause of Addison's disease. Do you know what is? 

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