and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
Slide 146: Testicular Lymphoma
Trust me that this is
from a testis. I see nothing on the slide to help with the identification
of the tissue, but I am sure you can appreciate the profound degree of
replacement of the tissue with the malignant lymphocytes.
See this slide with the
virtual microscope. |
I am not too sure there
is anything approaching "normal" testis on this slide. It would be impossible
to tell the tissue source from the picture I have taken. Note the uniform
infiltrate of monotonous lymphocytes throughout the entire specimen. Again,
the object here is to be sure this tumor is not an embryonal carcinoma
or version of seminoma, two common primary lesions of the testis. The treatments
are completely different. Use this slide for comparison when studying the
other testicular tumors we are about to see. |
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