and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
Slide 84: Lymph Node with Reactive
Please observe here that
the lymph node is essentially intact. You can easily see the capsule
and the other elements of a healthy lymph node. You will, however
see, considerable reactive hyperplasia of the follicles.
See this slide with the
virtual microscope. |
This node has the classical
features of follicular hyperplasia. You will see many large and to some
extent odd shaped germinal centers. These changes are reactive, not neoplastic,
even though the germinal centers are distorted and look fairly wild. All
the cells that should be present are here, and there is NOT a monomorphic
pattern or infiltrate. You will see the sinuses are open, and there is
no EFFACEMENT of the nodal architecture. This is a reactive and not malignant
lymph node. |
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