and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
Slide 36: Lung with pneumoconiosis
Here the areas of fibrosis
are quite evident. First take a look at the uninvolved lung to get your
bearings. Then move into the areas of fibrosis and granuloma formation.
What about all the pigmented material?
See this slide with the
virtual microscope.
Here the real story is
the profound degree of fibrosis in the interstitial tissue of the lung.
There are even a few granulomas present. This condition is a result of
the particulate matter inhaled, and may be seen in stone workers, coal
workers and anyone exposed to lots of fine air borne particulate matter.
The scarring really predisposes the person to tuberculosis and other pulmonary
infections. Will this lead to a restrictive or obstructive
pulmonary picture clinically? |
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