General and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
    Slide 207: Gastric cancer with ulceration
    The base of the ulcer is easy to spot in this section. You will see all the expected inflammatory details of a gastric ulcer, but in this case there is an infiltrative adenocarcinoma extending into the muscle. This is an example of a malignancy of the stomach that ulcerated. Because there was a malignancy in the mucosa, the mucosa was compromised, allowing the digestive forces to create the ulcer.

    Ulcers that become malignant are exceedingly rare, and some believe it never happens at all.

    See this slide with the virtual microscope.

    Here we see the typical gland-within-gland pattern that is so distinctive of adenocarcinomas. There is extensive growth of the neoplasm into the muscular wall of the stomach.

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