and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
Slide 80: Lung with metastatic renal
cell carcinoma, spindle cell pattern
The appearance of this
malignancy is a little atypical. Generally the metastases pretty
faithfully reproduce the histological pattern of the primary lesion.
Renal cell is probably the one tumor that most consistently breaks this
rule. Here we see two patterns in the same metastatic focus; a spindle
pattern and the more typical clear cell pattern.
See this slide with the
virtual microscope.
This slide shows the
"spindle cell" variant of this malignancy. It is actually not the typical
appearance, but the next slide does show the more characteristic so-called
clear cell pattern. This slide shows lung tissue essentially replaced with
metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Notice how in this area the malignant
cells have an elongate or spindle appearance. Some cancers, especially
renal cell carcinoma, can show a multifaceted histological pattern. It
would be very difficult to make an accurate diagnosis as to the origin
of this tumor if this were the only piece of tissue given the pathologist. |
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