Cell Biology & Histology A560
    Endocrine System, Endocrine Pancreas

    One of the major types of diabetes (type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) is an autoimmune disorder in which antibodies against B cells depress their activity and eventually kill the cells, leading to the need for insulin injections. The image to the right shows early stages of lymphocytic destruction of an islet.

    Gastrointestinal endocrine system -- Review the material on Junqueira page 360 and Table 15-1 about the diffusely-located neuroendocrine in the digestive and respiratory mucosa and the kinds of hormones secreted by these cells. These cells are difficult to demonstrate in routinely-prepared slides, but they are very important physiologically and you should know their anatomical locations and functions.

    Why are these cells sometimes called “argentaffin cells” or “enterochromaffin cells”?

    Now for male reproductive.