Cell Biology & Histology A560
    Slide Preparation and Staining

    Take a look at several slides and describe what you see.
    • Examine any three different slides stained with H&E and identify basophilic and acidophilic structures.
    • Then choose two similar tissues stained individually with H&E and with Masson's trichrome,
      • For example, slides 28 and 12 of bladder.
    • Examine the slides under low power and compare the staining properties shown by the two methods.
    • You should start to become familiar with the properties associated with these common stains and be able to recognize the most common staining techniques used on your slides.


    What are the major colors you see in slides stained with H&E?

    What are the major colors you see in slides stained with Masson’s trichrome?

    What are the relative advantages of each of these two staining methods?

    Interpretation of a slide requires a systematic approach.

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