Slides for Junqueira’s Basic Histology











Dr. Tony Mescher,

The objectives for examining microscopic slides as part of a course in basic histology include:
  • Helping the student recognize the microscopic structural features of the cells, tissues, and organs of the body.
  • Aiding the understanding of the correlation of these microscopic features with their functional significance in cells, tissues, and organs.
  • Establish a basis for the understanding of the study of pathology and other investigations of abnormal tissue.

Click on the numbered slide below for the virtual microscopic slide.     

1. Uterus, Monkey, Masson Trichrome

81.  Endometrium, Pre-menstrual, H&E

2. Trachea and thyroid, Human,

82.  Endometrium, Late Secretory,

3.  Gall bladder, Monkey,  Trichrome

83.  Endometrium, Late, Proliferative,

4.  Duodenum, Monkey, BF, PAS,

84.  Endometrium, Secretory, H&E

5.  Thick Skin, Monkey

85.  Testis, Monkey, H&E

6.  Colon, Monkey, PAS & Azure Blue

86.  Epididymis Ducts, Monkey, H&E

7.  Larynx, Monkey,  Trichrome

87.  Epiglottis, Monkey, Masson, Af

8.  Tongue, Monkey,  Trichrome

88.  Meckel’s diverticulum, Human

9.  Spinal Cord & D. Root Ganglion

89.  Thick Skin, Monkey,  Trichrome

10. Blood Smear, Human, Wright’s St

90.  Rectum, Monkey,  Trichrome

11. Submandibular Gland, PAS

91.  Embryo, Mid-Section,  H&E

12. Bladder, Cat, Masson Trichrome

92.  Small Arteries & Veins, Dog,

13. Ovary, Monkey, Masson Trichrome

93.  Onion Root Tip, H&E

14. Kidney, Monkey, Sag. Section

94.  Gall Bladder, Human,  Trichrome

15. Pancreas, Monkey, H&E

95.  Prostate, Human,  Trichrome

16. Aorta, Vena Cava, Ureter, L.Nodes

96.  Thymus, Human, H&E

17. Thin Skin, Monkey, Trichrome

97.  Lung, Human, H&E

18. Spleen, Monkey,  Trichrome

98.  Lung, Human, Elastic

19. Oviduct, XS, Monkey,  Trichrome

99.  Lymph Node, Monkey, Silver

20. Adrenal, Monkey, Trichrome

100. Aorta, Human, Van Gieson

21. Ileum, XS, Monkey,  Trichrome

101. Stomach, Human, H&E

22. Tongue, Monkey,  Trichrome

102. Adrenal, Human, H&E

23. Thyroid, Monkey, Mallory Trichrome

103. Pituitary Gland, Anterior, Human

24. Liver & Gall bladder, Monkey,

104. Bone, Human, H&E

25. Auditory Meatus, Cat, H&E

105. Gall Bladder, Human, H&E

26. Ileum, XS, Cat, Basic Fuchsin, TB

106. Pineal, Human, H&E

27. Ileum, XS, Cat, H&E

107. Pineal, Human, H&E

28. Bladder, Cat, H&E

108. Mammary Gland, Human, H&E

29. Liver, Human, H&E

109. Penis, Newborn, Human, H&E

30.  Lymph Node, Cat,  Trichrome

110. Placenta, Term, Human, H&E

31. Umbilical Cord, Human

111. Kidney, Rat, H&E

32. Bone, Ground, Human

112. Cerebrum, Monkey, H&E

33. Ascaris eggs, H&E

113. Appendix, Human, H&E

34. Bone, Fractured, Human, H&E

114. Fetal Membrane, Human, H&E

35. Adrenal Glands, Rabbit, H&E

115. Aorta, Human, H&E

36. Skin, Thin, Human, H&E

116. Mesentery, Human, H&E

37. Ileum, Human, H&E

117. Adrenal & Ganglion, Human, H&E

38. Ampulla, Seminal Vesicle, Human

118. Bladder, Human, H&E

39. Epididymis, Human, H&E

119. Testis, Human, H&E

40. Epididymis, Human, H&E

120. Eye, Monkey, H&E

41. Appendix, Human, H&E

121. Internal Ear, Guinea Pig, H&E

42. Lymph Node, Human, H&E

122. Pituitary, Human, H&E

43. Esophagus, Mid. XS, Human, H&E

123. Thymus, Human, H&E

44. Pancreas, Human H&E

124. Seminal Vesicle, Human, H&E

45. C.T. & Autonomic Ganglia, Human,

125. Cerebrum, Human, H&E

46. Tail of Epididymis, Human, H&E

126. Thymus, Human, H&E

47. Prostate, Human, H&E

127. Bone Marrow, Human, Wright’s

48. Ureter, Human, H&E

128. Pituitary, Human, H&E

49. Large Vein & Lymph Node, Human,

129. Tooth, Adult, H&E

50. Pancreas & Duodenum, Human

130. Membranous Bone, Fetal Skull,

51. Thin Skin, Human, H&E

131. White Fibro-cartilage, H&E

52. Spermatic Cord, Human

132. Parotid Gland, Monkey, H&E

53. Ductus Deferens, Human

133. Cervix Uteri, Human, H&E

54. Colon, Human, Mallory Trichrome

134. Lip, Monkey, H&E

55. Rete Testis, Human,  Trichrome

135. Sympathetic Ganglion, Human

56. Elastic Cartilage, H&E, AF

136. Tonsil, H&E

57. Early Placenta, Human, H&E

137. Dorsal Root Ganglion, Cat, H&E

58. Ovary & Corpus Luteum, Human

138. Eyelid, Human, H&E

59. Oviduct, Isthmus, Human, H&E

139. Heart, Human, H&E

60. Oviduct, Ampulla, Human, H&E

140. Trachea, Human, H&E

61. Ovary, Human, H&E

141. Liver, Human, H&E

62. Pancreas, Rat, Aldehyde Fuchsin

142. Gastroesophageal Junction, Human

63. Adrenal, Human, H&E

143. Adrenal, Human, H&E

64. Heart, Human, BF, PAS, NY

144. Kidney, Human, H&E

65. Heart, Human, Masson Trichrome

145. Fallopian Tube, Human, H&E

66. Esophagus, Monkey, H&E

146. Aorta, Human, H&E

67. Lip, Monkey, H&E

147. Brain, Cerebral Cortex, Human

68. Spleen, Monkey, H&E

148. Brain, Cerebellum, Human, H&E

69. Parathyroid, Monkey, H&E

149. Spinal Cord, High Cervical, Human

70. Tongue, Monkey, H&E

150. Peripheral Nerve, Osmicated

71. Cerebellum, Monkey, Cresyl Violet

151. Nerve Fibers, Isolated, H&E

72. Submandibular, Monkey

152. Vas deferens, Human, H&E

73. Spleen, Monkey

153. Bone Marrow, Needle Biopsy, H&E

74. Pituitary, Monkey

154. Pancreas, Human, H&E

75. Adrenal, Monkey, H&E

155. Testis, Dog, H&E

76. Thymus, Human, H&E

156. Skin, Mouse, H&E

77. Tongue, Monkey, H&E

157. Skin, Human, H&E

78. Eye, Monkey

158. Jejunum, Human, H & E

79. Lymph Node, H&E

159. Fetal Mouse Head

80. Endometrium, Early, Proliferative



Indiana University School of Medicine, copyright 2006