Anatomy A215 Virtual
Small Intestine, Find a Lymphatic
Nodule (Not Required for Ch. 7) |
This is a section of SMALL INTESTINE (ileum to be specific). There are
numerous small lymphatic nodules within the tissue immediately below
the lining of the bowel (the mucosa). The little box in the picture
to the left shows where the image below came from. Again, don't
restrict yourself to the marked regions of the slide, rather see how
many nodules you can find. |
Lymphatic nodules appear in
microscopic sections as circular or oval formations of closely
packed cells, and sometimes have a lighter so-called germinal
center. In this SMALL INTESTINE slide, the lymphatic nodules may
be flattened in the wall, or appear as rounded projections into the
lumen of the intestine. Here they are for the most part just beneath
the bowel lining (the mucosa). Click here for
a larger view of another example a
lymphoid nodule.
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