Human Tissue Biology A464
    Cartilage and Bone

    Bone – In this specialized connective/supporting tissue
    • The extracellular matrix is mineralized and
    • Contains much collagen and proteoglycan aggregates.

    Carefully examine the gross specimens of bone cut transversely and longitudinally and note regions of compact and cancellous tissue, trabeculae, medullary cavity, etc.

    Review the meaning of the following terms and explain their interrelationships

    • Woven bone
    • Lamellar bone
    • Compact bone
    • Cancellous bone

    The cells and matrix of compact bone are highly organized into units called osteons (or Haversian systems) which insure that osteocytes can receive nutrients via canaliculi.

    • Despite the organization, compact bone is always being remodeled and this allows bones to gradually change their shapes.

    What is the function of canaliculi and how do they form?

    What other structure in bone do Volkmann’s canals resemble functionally?
