Human Tissue Biology A464
To help you further improve your
understanding of each histological topic, I have placed questions in
each lab exercise, with place for you to provide answers. Doing this
will help insure t hat
you meet the Learning Objectives for the exercise. Lab exams will be
designed to determine how well you have met the objectives listed
with each lab exercise. You will be expected to recognize and know
the basic information on the structures listed with the electron
micrographs and slide(s) assigned for study in each exercise.
Students in histology labs find that it is sometimes helpful to draw
or sketch the appearance of certain microscopic structures, such as
the arrangement of cells in a specific tissue or part of an organ.
We have placed an extra page with each laboratory exercise in the
Guide to allow plenty of space for notes and drawings. Taking
the time to sketch and label the parts of the more complex tissues
we will study during the semester will almost certainly improve your
recognition and understanding of the structures. To help you further
in studying the material, we have also included with most of the
laboratory exercises unlabeled drawings of structures with names of
important components to be identified on the drawing and on your
The guides for the laboratory exercises in the course were written
with help from the individuals who have taught the labs in recent
years, including Susan Wilhoit and Sue Childress, and I gratefully
acknowledge their help. Thanks are also due to Sue for her work
maintaining and steadily improving the microscope slide collections.
Anthony L. Mescher
Learn about the
light microscope |