General and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
    Slide 184: Glioblastoma Multiforme
    We see here just small fragments of brain and tumor.  This is how these specimens come to us from surgery. 

    See this slide with the virtual microscope.

    This is a high grade malignant astrocytic glial tumor. You will see areas of necrosis and marked nuclear atypia of the malignant cells. Pay special attention to the reactive, yet highly atypical looking, vascular changes in the capillary sized vessels. The endothelial cells become extremely agitated in the presence of this tumor. You should see some large pink staining cells at the periphery of this lesion; they are called gemistocytes, gem like cells. These are benign reactive glial cells, and similar changes are seen in many types of central nervous system injury. This tumor is highly aggressive and universally fatal, at least at the present time. 

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