Clinical Case: Mrs. Johnson's Vaginal Bleeding
Symptoms & History

Physical Findings

Stop & Think

Lab and X-Ray

Differential Diagnosis

The Disease



Quiz & Evaluation

Staging of squamous cell cancer of the cervix.

Remember, staging and grading are not the same.

  • Stage = extent of spread
  • Grade = degree of histologic differentiation
Stage 0 Carcinoma in situ (CIN III)
Stage I Invasive, but confined to cervix.
Stage II Extends beyond cervix, but not to pelvic wall.
May involve vagina, but not lower one third.
Stage III Involves pelvic wall
Stage IV Beyond true pelvis and/or involves mucosa of bladder or bowel.
Distant metastases.
What about non-squamous cancers of the cervix?           Back

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