and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
Slide 44: Myocardial infarction with
mural thrombus
What remains of the heart
muscle in this case is just a little band of connective tissue. No, you
won't find much in the way of myocardium. Note the mural thrombus
on the endocardial surface. What do you think happens if part of
this should break free?
See this slide with the
virtual microscope. |
As you know by now, always
try to spot the area of disease on the slide before going to the microscope.
This slide demonstrates a common problem with myocardial infarcts; the
formation of "mural thrombus." That is the formation of a blood clot on
the endothelium of the heart in the region of the infarct. This may happen
rapidly, and probably occurs because of the release of platelet activating
agents at the site of the infarct. |
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