and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
Slide 75: Fatty infiltration of pancreas
The changes of importance
here are probably better seen in this scan of the tissue than by use of
the microscope. Here you can see the "infiltration" of benign fat
cells into the pancreas. That's all there is here.
See this slide with the
virtual microscope. |
This is hard to pick
up, because what is present in the pancreas is what is normally there;
just more than usual. You should see mature fatty tissue extending into
the lobules of the pancreas. The fat cells are not malignant, and this
is not particularly pathological. We see this change in obese people. This
condition is quite different from fatty metamorphosis which occurs in the
liver. In fatty metamorphosis we see the effected cell accumulating a large
lipid droplet. Slide #4 in your set shows a nice example. The main purpose
here is to be sure you know the difference between fatty infiltration and
fatty metamorphosis. Do you? |
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