and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
Slide 155: Hydatidiform mole
Look in the blood
clot or at the margin of the clot and decidualized endometrium for these
bizarre villi. You might want to compare these placental villi with
those of the first trimester miscarriage in slide 94. There is quite
a difference. Take note of the changes in the trophoblasts covering
the villi.
See this slide with the
virtual microscope. |
This is a classic "molar
pregnancy." Note the large and abnormally shaped villi with edematous cores.
These villi are covered with atypical trophoblastic cells growing as a
syncytium. You may see a mitotic figure or two, but on the whole, the degree
of anaplasia is not nearly as great is seen in a choriocarcinoma, the highly
aggressive malignant counter part of this lesion. There will be some necrosis
and inflammatory debris mixed with the blood clot, but for the most part
this is well preserved and very representative. |
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