Cell Biology & Histology A560
    Use of the light microscope, review.

    Plan on readjusting your scope every time you use it.
    • Put a sample slide on the stage.
    • Adjust intensity of the light source.
      • Remember, you're not trying to spot-weld your retinae.
    • Adjust ocular spacing to accommodate for your interpupillary distance.
      • Image should be a circle.
    • Adjust condenser so it's about 1/4 inch below the slide.
    • Adjust iris opening, if needed.
    • Close your left eye and focus the coarse and fine knobs for your right eye.
    • Close your right eye, open your left, and adjust the ring around the left ocular. Remember, don't fool with the fine or coarse knobs at this time.
    • Now both oculars should be in focus, the eyepieces should be set for your interpupillary distance, and the condenser should be adjusted to directly shoot the histology knowledge into your brain.

    Some of your slides can be viewed with the virtual microscope.

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