Cell Biology & Histology A560
    The virtual microscope

    Technological advances today permit us to scan an entire microscopic slide at high power and deliver it in a manner that mimics the use of a real optical microscope. The files, of course, are huge so it is necessary to stream only the parts needed.

    • If you're not on campus, you will need a high-speed connection.
    • Although there is no special viewer required, you will need to have the runtime scripts installed if you are using most version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer.
    • Firefox seems happy with the interface, and needs no special scripts.

    Things to keep in mind:

    • As fancy as it is, the virtual scope is not a substitute for your optical scope.
    • It's great for reviewing and studying with friends, but keep in mind you will need proficiency with the traditional optical scope.
    • Besides, your lab practicals will be with an optical scope.

    Here's what the virtual scope interface looks like and how to use it.

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