Cell Biology & Histology A560
    The virtual microscope, its interface and use.
    If the tissue you are studying is available for viewing as a virtual slide, you will see a link at the bottom of the descriptive page saying something like; "see this as a virtual slide."
    • When you click on the link, a popup window should open with a display screen and a few instructions.
    • Depending on how busy the server is, it may take a few seconds (minutes) for the image to materialize.
    • To move in the field, hold down the left mouse button and scoot the image around.
      • Watch the little red + in the smaller image in the upper left of the view window.
      • This red + is where the magnification change will be centered when you change virtual objectives.
    • To change magnification, right click in the image and choose power from the drop-down menu.
    • If you want full-screen, click the link that says "Enlarge the image please"
      • The navigation remains the same.
    • Remember to close the window when you're done. You don't want let the flies out, do you?

    Want to give it try? Click to a sample slide with the virtual microscope.

    Feeling smart? How about a little quiz?

    Did you really do that quiz? If so, then let's proceed to the tissue sectioning and staining.

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