Cell Biology & Histology A560

    Study the electron micrographs (Figs. 10-7c and 10-10) and diagrams (Fig. 10-8 and 10-11).
    • Note particularly the organization around myofibrils of mitochondria and the various components of the conducting system for contractile stimuli, i.e., the T tubules and the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

    What exactly are "myofibrils" and why is the precise organization of the "conducting system" around them so important?

    Examine the musculature of the tongue on slides 8 and 77.

    • Identify on each the various features just studied on slide 7, compare their appearance when stained by Masson trichrome (slide 8) and H&E (slide 77).

    Sketch and label three “regions” of connective tissue that show up particularly well in muscle stained with Masson’s trichrome.

    Examine developing skeletal muscle of the fetal tongue and face (slide 159).

    • Identify the fusing myoblasts and the fused but not-yet-striated myotubes as shown in the diagram of striated myogenesis (Fig. 10-2).

    Compare and contrast myoblasts and satellite cells with regard to histology and function.

    Moving right along to smooth muscle.