Cell Biology & Histology A560
    Specialized Sensory Organs, the Eye and the Ear

    Microscopic features of the eye:
    • Review the general organization of the eye (Fig. 23-1).
    • Examine a section of the eye (slides 78 and 120) with low power and, from anterior to posterior, identify
      • The cornea,
      • Iris,
      • Lens,
      • Ciliary body,
      • Retina, and
      • Optic nerve (Fig. 23-1).

    List the structures of the eye that contain dark melanin pigment.

    In what ocular structure is most muscle found and what type of muscle is it?

    With higher power, examine the retina carefully and note capillaries and the ten layers shown on Fig. 23-15.

    • Within these layers, identify the pigmented epithelial cells, the rods and cones (Fig. 23-16),
    • The 3 layers of cell bodies, the inner and outer plexiform layers, and the inner limiting membrane (Fig. 23-15).
    • Determine whether the fovea (Fig. 23-14) or the optic disc (where the optic nerve meets incoming axons from the retina, Fig. 23-14), is present on your slide and if not share your neighbor's slide to observe these structures.

    How do the cells in the retinal layers interact to send visual information to the brain?

    What is the significance of the structural differences seen at the fovea centralis?

    What is the optic disk and what is its functional significance?

    More about the eye.