Cell Biology & Histology A560
    Cardiovascular System

    On the slide of heart (slide 65) examine the coronary artery as an example of a large muscular artery.
    • The tunica intima is relatively thick (which may indicate an early stage of atherosclerosis) and
    • The internal elastic lamina is prominent.
    • Note that tunica media smooth muscle is more abundant than in the aorta.
    • Note also how the tunica adventitia merges into surrounding CT of the heart.

    Why are internal elastic lamina and the intima commonly folded like an accordion in muscular arteries?

    Small muscular arteries (Fig. 11-11) can be seen on many slides in your collection. Examine muscular arteries of different sizes in areolar CT (slide 92).

    • Note the frequent location along a vein and small nerve.
    • Identify the three layers in the artery walls.

    How does the distribution of elastin differ between elastic and muscular arteries?

    Arterioles and capillaries.