Mr. Potter's Angina
Symptoms & History

Physical Findings

Stop & Think

Lab and X-Ray

Differential Diagnosis

The Disease



Quiz & Evaluation

Carcinomas of the Prostate are Graded and Staged
  • As with all malignancies, we try to develop a histologic grade and  stage for each person's tumor.
  • As a general rule the less well differentiated the neoplasm, i.e. the higher its grade, the more aggressively it is likely to behave. 
  • Even so, the stage is the most important predictive factor for most malignancies. 
  • For example, there is likely going to be a better outcome for someone with a high grade tumor that is still confined to its tissue of origin at the time of discovery, as opposed to a neoplasm with a lower histologic grade that has already spread to the bone and brain.
Here's how it works for prostate cancers.                     Back

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