General and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
    Slide 128: Stomach with hemorrhagic gastritis
    This condition may not look like much right here, but it can be very serious.  When you look at the slide on a white background, you will easily spot the little areas of mucosal hemorrhage.  Just image how many there must have been over the entire mucosa of this stomach.  Yes, there can be significant acute blood loss from these little fellows.

    See this slide with the virtual microscope.

    The tissue is not all that well preserved, but that is the way things are in this condition. Note the inflammation in the lamina propria and the areas of hemorrhage in the tips of the mucosal folds. This condition is seen in binge drinking alcoholics, and is also a complication of severe trauma leading to profound physiological stress. It may lead to gastric mucosal erosions, sometimes referred to as "acute or stress ulcers." 

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