Infectious Disease Tutorial

Case1: Vomiting 

Case 2: Cough & fever

Case 3: Bruising 

Case 4: Sore throat

Case 5: Jaundice

Case 6: Flu & fever

Case 7: Diarrhea

Case 8: Black Robe 

Case 9: Back Pain

Catching the beast

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Anuhuak was a 24 year-old Huron Indian woman who lived in what today we call Ontario, Canada.
  • Spring, 1656, a pale skinned foreigner, wearing a black robe and claiming to be an emissary of the one 'true God,' arrived.
  • In the two years he lived with the natives, many died. Anuhuak was one.
  • Here's how the Jesuit missionary described Anuhuak's death:
"He [The Lord] visited upon her with a malady which is common enough among the Savages, being a kind of weakness, together with a slow fever; and this so exhausted her that she wasted away before our eyes with an inflammation, accompanied by severe cough, which affected her whole chest to such an extent that her lungs were gradually destroyed."      Jesuit Relations 1657-1658
  • Her body was placed on a scaffold, near the village, as was the Huron custom.
  • Three years later, what remained of her bones were gathered, wrapped in a beaver skin and buried in a common grave.
  • There she lay in peaceful repose with her kin until 1972 when the common grave was accidentally discovered while excavating a foundation for a house.
Anuhuak's bones had mingled with the those of her relatives.                            Back

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