General and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
    Slide 41: Liver with acute and chronic cholangitis and fibrosis
    Here you can see the beginnings of cirrhosis.  There is scarring, necrosis and a nodular pattern of regeneration.

    See this slide with the virtual microscope.

    Here the big changes are in the triads. This is a good example of the disruption of the normal architecture of the margins of the triads. Note the loss of definition of the "limiting plate" of the triads (the first layer of hepatocytes nestled right up to the triad is what is referred to as the limiting plate) with the marked degree of inflammation. There is early "bridging fibrosis" between the triads. This fibrosis represents the beginnings of cirrhosis. What are some of the causes of this condition?

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