and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
Slide 92: Pancreas with chronic pancreatitis
and fibrosis
This is an old slide
that has definitely seen better days. Still, the features of scaring
that comes with chronic pancreatitis are very much apparent. Even
with no magnification, you can easily see the areas of fibrosis.
See this slide with the
virtual microscope. |
There is really very
little inflammation in this case. Mostly you will see the effects of the
inflammation i.e. fibrosis. You should see broad bands of scar tissue extending
through the organ, and to some extent isolating the pancreatic lobules.
Some lymphocytes are found, but the fibrosis is the predominant alteration.
What leads to this type of change? What are a few of the long term complications?
What do you think the treatments would be? |
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