and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
Slide 68: Lung with bone marrow embolus
This stuff is hard to
find, but once you see it you'll know what we're talking about. These
are microscopic sized fragments of bone marrow, so don't expect to see
them with the unaided eye. What's more, be prepared to look at a
number of areas to find this alteration.
See this slide with the
virtual microscope.
Look in the smaller blood
vessels of this section of lung. You will see small fragments of fat and
hematopoietic tissue. These are little, intact, fragments of bone marrow
that were dislodged because this patient sustained major long bone fractures
in an auto accident. Some of the bone marrow gained entrance into the circulatory
system, and then became lodged in the lung vasculature. This person died
shortly after the event. Can you imagine other conditions
that could cause this? |
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