Very Sociable
Chest Pain
Girl with a Rash
England 1944
Trouble Healing
Morning Stiffness
Bruises Easily
Shortness of
Drug Interactions
Thanks to
Please |
Tiffany has
idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP).
- History is paramount here.
- ITP typically follows a viral illness.
- ITP is a case of antibody mediated platelet
- Either antigen/antibody complex disease or
specific anti-platelet antibodies.
- Platelets with antibodies bound are removed by
the spleen.
- ITP is not strictly a condition of children.
It's seen less often in adults, but can be be more severe and last longer.
Most kids come through it fine, but a few have
serious hemorrhages.
- Some may benefit from steroids.
- If you were to do a bone marrow (not
recommended), you would see megakaryocytic hyperplasia. Obviously in response
to the low peripheral platelet count.
- There's no need for a bone marrow since we can
measure anti-platelet antibodies, even antigen/antibody complexes that have become passively
absorbed to the platelets.
![](../media/cas3meg.jpg) |
Petechiae and bruises generally mean platelet
problems. I get it, so what's next?