Infectious Disease Tutorial

Case1: Vomiting 

Case 2: Cough & fever

Case 3: Bruising 

Case 4: Sore throat

Case 5: Jaundice

Case 6: Flu & fever

Case 7: Diarrhea

Case 8: Black Robe 

Catching the beast

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Things went bad because of autoimmune injury.
Mr. PF made an antibody against part of the streptococcus.
  • Antigen-antibody complexes became trapped in the glomerulus.
  • Not because of their size, but because of their charge.
  • The complexes cleared the basement membrane, but became trapped under the foot processes of the epithelial cells.
  • In the EM to the right, we see them as dense, lumpy deposits on the outside of the basement membrane.
  • In the lab we can measure this process by monitoring the titer of anti-strep antibodies.
OK, so what can go wrong next?                                                              Back  

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