Body Temperature
  Febrile Syndromes
  Fever and Lethargy
  Abdominal Pain
  Fever and Nausea

By the time of rounds the next day....

  • Moses is feeling better and is afebrile.
  • He has no shortness of breath and walks without dificulty
  • Blood smear shows 3+ malaria parasites.
  • Full hemogram reveals:
    • Hbg = 4.5 gm%
    • Platelets = 75,000/cumm
    • WBC = 1,900/cumm

Moses obviously has malaria, but what about his headache how serious can it get?

  • Initial symptoms of malaria are non-specific and flu-like.
    • Headache, myalgia, vague abdominal pain, malaise, fever.
  • Serious complications are rare in non-falciparum malaria.
  • Malaria caused by P. falciparum can
    • Produce cerebral malaria, characterized by unarousable coma.
    • Give rise to serious anemia (Hbg <5 gm%),
    • Cause renal failure, pulmonary edema, hypoglycemia, DIC and septic shock.

Are the changes in the hemogram explainable on the basis of malaria?

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