M620: Pedagogical Methods in the Health Sciences
    Welcome and Introduction

    This course was developed by Dr Valerie O'Loughlin to help graduate students in the biomedical sciences become the best instructors and classroom researchers they can. The content of this course deals with pedagogical methods, student learning styles and methods of instructional delivery. In addition, students in this course will be introduced to the scholarship of teaching and develop a foundation for implementing classroom research and assessment. 

    As you participate in this course, you will achieve the following learning goals and objectives:

    • Learn how to construct a syllabus and choose appropriate course readings.

    • Examine the different student learning styles and how you can tailor your instruction so as to help students of all learning styles.

    • Learn how to present instructional material in a clear manner (microteaching).

    • Compare and contrast different instructional methods, such as lecture format, discussion, collaborative and group learning, etc., and determine which methods may be most beneficial in a course.

    • Learn the basics of classroom research and the assessment techniques used in such research.

    • Become familiar with the Scholarship of Teaching and classroom research literature that is most related to the issues you want to explore.

    • Prepare a statement of teaching philosophy that may be used for future academic job interviews

    • Prepare a course or teaching portfolio that documents assessment, reflection and analysis of your teaching.

    So who teaches this course?


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