indication for antiretroviral therapy is based on![](../images/hiv_1.jpg)
- Clinical
- CD4 cell
count, and
- viral load.
there are four classes of antiretroviral agents available for the
treatment of HIV infection:
Mr. Abrahms are started
on a 'cocktail' of several anti-HIV drugs, the regimen is known as the HAART protocol (Highly Affective Antiretroviral Therapy).
- The HAART basic
protocol includes three drugs:
- 2
nuceloside reverse transcriptase inhibitors plus
- A
non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor or a
protease inhibitor.
- Mr. Abrahms was
put on Combivir and the protease inhibitor Sustiva
Importantly, Mr. Abrahms was also started on
Nystatin oral
suspension for his thrush and the problem was quickly brought under
control. Eating is now pain-free for him.
So what sort of nutritional
recommendations might there
be for Mr. Abrahms? |