Mr. Bullroar didn't fair so well.

- On account of his cirrhosis and the
hepatic vascular reorganization with increased vascular resistance, he had
developed some impressive esophageal varices.
- While his doctor was trying to insert a nasogastric tube,
one of the varices was lacerated.
- The increased hepatic portal blood
pressure resulted in a massive hemorrhage and he became hypotensive.
- They could almost not get the bleeding
- Lousy clotting proteins due to low
vitamin K.
- Portal hypertension to boot.
- He received 8 units of blood, plus extra
fluids, but still went into hypovolemic shock.
- The extended period of low blood
pressure resulted in the death of his renal tubular
epithelium. He is now in acute renal failure and his prognosis is not
It remains to be seen if Mr. Bullroar
will survive, but his immediate care, including nutritional
supplmentation will be critical to the outcome.
sum it up and then take a little quiz. |