General and Systemic Histopathology, C601&C602
    Infectious Diseases

    In this section we will be looking at some of the same slides we studied in the inflammatory and repair unit, but from a different point of view. When finished, you should be able to identify the general inflammatory patterns associated with bacterial, fungal, tubercular and viral infections. Although there are just a few slides to be reviewed, the basic patterns can be applied to many situations. When finished with this unit, you should understand the mechanism of injury and be able to identify common inflammatory patterns such as: acute and chronic inflammatory exudates, abscesses, granulomas and necrotizing processes. As slide 131 will show, finding the culprit may require some vigilance.

    Slide 1, Cryptococcal pneumonia. Slide 1, Cryptococcal pneumonia.  Blood smear B13, mononucleosis. Slide 17, skin with leishmaniasis. Slide 58, lung with abscess
    Slide 76, lung with tuberculosis. Slide 76, lung with tuberculosis. Slide 77, lymph node with tuberculous granuloma. Slide 78, tuberculous pericarditis. Slide 97, adrenal with tuberculosis.
    Slide 106, aorta with syphilitic aortitis. Slide 131, colon with pseudo-membranous colitis. Slide 131, colon with pseudo-membranous colitis. Slide 165, bone marrow with cryptococcus infection. Slide 166, bone marrow with cryptococcus,
    Slide 215, Diphtheria myocarditis Normal lung Normal heart Normal lymph node Normal colon

    Normal aorta Normal adrenal Normal blood smear Interview with a Meningococcal survivor Listen to a child with whooping cough
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    Infectious Disease Slides Overview

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