The following day, her mental status is unchanged.
- Lydia remains confused but afebrile.
- Biox reveals pulse of 84 with 96%
- The results of the LP are not available.
- The intern goes to the lab for the CSF
- Elevated protein
- Normal glucose
- Cyrptococcus seen with India ink
- An ELIZA for HIV is ordered.
Lydia was started on Fluconazole for her
Cryptococcal meningitis
- Unlike bacterial meningitis, fungal meningitis
may not have nuchal rigidity.
- Fungal meningitis may present with confusion
or even cortical blindness.
- Sometimes, a 'therapeutic' lumbar puncture is
done to relieve pressure.
- Changes of acute hydrocephalus may also
develop if there is occlusion of the CSF outlets of the 4th ventricle. Click
here to see an example.
- Unfortunatley, India ink is positive only
about 80% of the times.
- May need to treat empirically if there is a
high enough index of suspicion.
- CSF protein is elevated, but glucose can be
- Fever may not be present
What else should you think about? |