Kalweo is a seventeen year-old young man
brought by his father.
- Kalweo was healthy until about 5 days
- He began to experience hotness of body,
confusion and headache.
- He choked violently while trying to
drink water.
- He's had two seizures, and has begun to
act out violently.
Physical exam
- Slightly confuse, apprehensive, thin young
- Vital signs: Temp = 38.2°C, BP = 110/60, Pulse
= 88, Resp = 24.
- Pupils react equally to light although his
left pupil is slightly larger than the right.
- Intermittent Muscle fasiculations are noted of
both upper extremities.
- There is a healed, irregular, 5 cm scar on his
right hand.
- Chest is clear and no abnormal heart sounds
are heard.
- Abdomen is soft with no tenderness nor organomegaly.
- Rare malaria parasites are seen in the blood
An LP is done, hemogram ordered and Kalweo is
started on quinine and Fansidar.