Zipporah, a 29 year-old woman, is brought for
evaluation of right hemiparesis.
- Her husband indicates she was in good
health until one day ago when she developed right hemiparesis.
- She is conversant and in no pain.
- There is no history of fever, chills,
diarrhea, cough or weight loss.

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Physical exam:
- Temp = 37.5°C, Pulse = 88, BP = 110/70, Resp =
- Cranial nerves are intact.
- Pale conjunctivae and mucus membranes.
- Neck is supple, no JVD and no lymphadenopathy.
- Chest is clear and there are abnormal heart
- Abdominal exam is unremarkable
- Both right upper and lower extremities show
+3/5 strength.
- There is no loss of peripheral sensation, no
leg swelling or other abnormality.
- Cranial CT, ELIZA for HIV and hemogram are
She is admitted and started on Fansidar for
possible toxoplasmosis.