Gladys, a 26 year-old woman, is brought by the
police after being found wondering around confused.
- Gladys was able to give her name, but
otherwise she was confused, disoriented and could give no history.
Physical exam:
- Thin woman who was afebrile and tachycardic.

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- Vital signs: Temp = 37.2°C, Pulse = 120, BP =
110/60, Resp = 30
- No focal neurological deficits and no nuchal
- Lungs sounded clear and her cardiac and
abdominal exams were unremarkable.
Admiting disposition:
- She was sedated with thorazine to control her
- She was empirically started on qunine
- A hemogram was ordered and LP performed.
- A psychiatric consult was requested for the
next day.
The next morning. |